Monday, March 23, 2015

My First Interview!!!

So like the headline reads, I had my first interview this past Saturday. Now I wasn't asked to do an interview, where I graciously accepted. I asked to be interviewed. At this stage in the game, as Indie authors we have to grab the bull by the horns and shout our own names from the rooftops, if no one else will.

So after an author friend passed along the information about the possibility to be interviewed, I reached out to author Ivy Sinclair, who also has a podcast called The Romance Writer's Rodeo. I gave her the links to my FB Author page, website and Amazon page. She looked up my books and bio and setup a list of questions from that. We Skyped for the interview, voice only. So you know what that means? No need to be presentable...Pajama Time!!!

She started out by telling me how the interview would go and the subjects we'd be talking about and when I was ready she pressed record. It was a lot better than I thought, because she made the interview more conversational. Afterward she edited the interview and now it's live for your listening pleasure. Here's the link for interested parties:

So the moral of the story: Find out what is available to you in your genre that can help spread the word about your work and then assert yourself.

I'm still working on this, because I'm not normally the pushy type. I get really bashful about asking people to buy my books. I'm getting better, but still have a long way to go.

Til next time...


  1. Great interview Twyla. I am certainly going to look into Facebook groups. Is your page a Business one or Fan Page? Mine is Business - it might be why I am having bother with getting on Authors of Today.

    1. Thanks Richard! Yeah, I have two Facebook pages. A personal one (that has become rather overloaded with author friends and readers) and a business page. Unfortunately you can't friend people or join groups through the business pages. Only personal. So it would be very advantageous of you to use a regular personal FB page so that you can connect.

