Saturday, February 15, 2014

All work and no play...makes Twyla a dull girl!

So yesterday I sent out my first bunch of query letters to literary agents. Self-publishing as been an exciting adventure and I'm trying to use social media as my platform to promote my books, but it's a lot of work. My brain is on overload. Now I know why people have personal assistants. Trying to write an interesting book, edit, publish, market as well as prep for other future books...oh and working a full-time job, has me running in circles. So I'm hoping that it doesn't take too long to get signed on with an agency and then a publishing house. I'd love nothing more than to have writing be my full-time job! Fingers are crossed and down on my knees praying. It took me 35 years to figure out what I want to do with my life, and now I'm impatient for everything to fall into place. :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Awe-Struck is Released!!!

Today is the day! Awe-Struck is out for sale. I hope that everyone that is a fan of Star-Struck is happy with the conclusion. I tried to write it as if I was the reader and how I'd want it to end if I was. Anyway...enjoy!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Star-Struck's New Cover

 YAY!!! The new cover for Star-Struck is here!!! Love it! SOOOO much better than the original! Thank you Suzy!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Waiting with baited breath...

My illustrator will be working on the new cover to Star-Struck the next couple of days and I can't freakin' wait!!! Stay tuned...
