For those who don't know, I write Erotic Romances or what it's starting to be known as...Romantica. Why do I write this genre, well because I'm a freak. ;) Just kidding...well kind of. I'm pretty open about sexuality and have always been fascinated by men and sex. But that's not the reason for this post. Romantica is the main genre I write, but it's the sub-genres that I want to talk about.
My sub-genres are BBW(big beautiful women) and IR (interracial relationships). The IR category is actually something that I didn't give myself. I am a Black American woman and so far I have written Black American female lead characters. But that won't stop me from writing other races as the female leads in the future. Because I want to reach women of all races. But my main focus is the BBW aspect of my novels. Hence my brand: Novels with Curves
I like to write women that the majority of females in this country and possibly around the world can relate to. The national average size of women in this country is a size 14. But when we watch TV, go to the movies, or read magazines all we really see are slender women in these lead roles as what the media portrays as the definition of beauty. And the side characters, the sidekick of the lead, the wing-woman, the chunky girl is always what...funny and alone.
So what are they saying, women with curves can't be funny AND sexy? We can't get a man? We're only there for comic relief? Or that if we can get a man, it's the gross unappealing dude in the corner? Well I don't buy that.
And nothing was starting to frustrate me more than when I went to pick up a romance novel, nearly every single heroine of the story was slender as well. Just like in the visual media I see on a daily basis. And a few of the stories that had a curvy girl as the lead, eventually lost the weight in the story. So she can only find and keep love if she loses all the weight? I'm not an advocate for unhealthy living, but give me a break.
Like it or not, I am one of the many that really enjoyed Fifty Shades of Grey, and is waiting for the movie with bated breath. But after reading it, I started to think, "Why can't Christian Grey tie up and spank a girl with meat on her bones?" No offense, but said author is a curvy girl herself. So why not write a woman that most other women can relate to?
So after falling in love with erotic romances, I eventually stumbled across BBW Erotica. There wasn't a whole lot out there and many of what was, was novellas that didn't have time to delve deeply into the characters. So I didn't really get a chance to root for them.
Finally something inside me snapped. I picked up my laptop, started writing and haven't looked back since. I love writing curvy girls of all different shapes and sizes. Great personalities, big time insecurities and hearts of gold. All the while scooping up the "hot guy", and looking fabulous while doing it!
I feel that reading is the MOST intimate form of media/entertainment. Where the reader immerses themselves in the characters and setting. You feel like you've been transported to a place and you are the character or that they're your best friend. If you're going to let anyone inside you that much, get that close to you...don't you want it to be someone that is similar to you? That resembles you just a little?
I want any woman of any color with a multitude of insecurities and beautiful imperfections, to pick up my novels and see themselves in my characters. To think to themselves, "FINALLY someone gets it! Someone wrote ME! NICE...the curvy girl finally gets the guy! AND she didn't have to lose a pound to do it! HA and the sidekick, the wing-woman is the quote on quote beautiful slender girl...IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!"
Hear, hear! I'm totally on board with what you're saying and as an author myself have talked about this on my blog - The other thing I loathe is when the BBW heroine has really low self-esteem and makes choices that are bad for her. A much beloved series in the genre had my hackles raised from page one so as I set out to write a serial about Hollywood, I changed my heroine to a plus-size gal and made her strong, independent, and best of all, someone who completely owned her curves. Now I just wish stock photography sites would catch up so that I didn't have to spend so much time in Photoshop giving my cover models boobs, butts, and bellies.