Monday, December 22, 2014


Just having one of those days where I'm just feeling blah about everything. It's probably just that time of the month for me to be moody...and trust me, it does happen once a month. But I'm just constantly worrying about if and when my writing career will take off. When I'll be able to actually live off of my chosen career.

Do I continue to send out query letters to literary agents in the hopes that one will find interest, in order to eventually get signed by a publishing house...only to risk losing creative freedom and still have to promote myself on my own, on my own dime. Yes, unlike popular belief, publishers no longer pay or setup book signings or readings like they did in the past. It's on the author now. It seems like the only plus side to having a publisher is the book advance an author gets (if it's a pretty fat check). Which at this point might be the thing that tips the scale for me.

Or should I continue to self-publish and say "Screw a publisher!", and continue to struggle with paying for covers and promoting and having friends help edit instead of an editor? I don't want to cut off my nose to spite my face.

I don't know!!!! I guess I'll just continue to do what I've been doing...Self-pubbing AND sending out query letters. I love rejection letters! Insert sarcastic voice. And the submitting of queries to literary agents as a black author is a WHOLE other blog that I'm to bummed to even discuss right now. For now I'm just gonna keep on keepin' on. Tomorrow I'll probably be back my old optimistic self.

Until next time...Happy Reading!!! :)

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