Friday, March 27, 2015

Tiny Light at the End of the Tunnel

Today I finally finished the first draft of Open Wounds, which is the follow up to my dark erotic novel, Scarred. So I'm going to kick back and enjoy some Jamaican beer for the rest of the evening. And then I'll edit over the weekend. And on Monday go straight into writing the 3rd novel in the series, while my beta-readers read Open Wounds. I don't want to release the 2nd until the 3rd is done, because I'll be releasing them a week apart. I don't want my readers to have to wait another several months for the 3rd to be released. I think doing it this way, will put a fire under my butt to get the 3rd done. I'm ready for Lexi and Sloan to have some closure and for me to move on to some stories that I've been itching to get out of my head. So many stories, not enough fingers and hours in the day to type them out as fast as they come to me!

Til next time...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Drowning in a Sea of Anonymity

Has anyone else felt anonymous in their writing/other career? I know I have. When I started this journey as an Indie author, I had no idea of the scope of other Indie authors out there. Not counting the authors that are backed by traditional publishing houses. And though I agree with the common phrase that I've been seeing in the writing community, "There is plenty of room for all of us/There are plenty of readers for all of us", how do you make yourself seen or get your name out there so that said readers can find you? How do you keep from drowning?

I don't really know what the answer is to that. And I freak out weekly if not daily, trying to figure that out. What I do know is...we have to keep trying. I mean really, what's the alternative? Going back to work a job I hate? Doing a job I'm not passionate about? I don't think so. I have to make a name for myself. I don't have any other options.

So I try to integrate myself in the author community to get advice from those willing to impart their wisdom. And I join groups where I can connect with readers. Because believe it or not, the best things that I've come across for promoting myself are through the readers and fellow authors.

Through my readers I learned about FB reader/author groups. They, themselves spread the word about my books. And they got me in contact with a great lady that is the head of the convention I'll be attending in September. And fellow authors got me involved in group anthologies. Taught me about Thunderclap and HeadTalker. As well as, how to setup a book release party. And how I got the information that led to my first interview.

I guess it basically boils down to connecting with the writing/reading community. As much as you may not want to, you have to get involved. You have to break out of your shell...out of your comfort zone. Try not to be a pest of course, but get out there and ask. If you don't ask, you won't get. And remember to also try to help in return. If you have valuable input or information...share it! We're in this together. Because you never know...if you take the time to help out someone else, if they make it big, they might just remember your name. I know I'm making a list in my head of amazing helpful people that I've crossed paths with thus far.

Til next time...

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Writing: A Solitary Affair

Now I see why writing is a very solitary career. Because you turn into a disgusting specimen in the process of creating. At least it's that way for me.

When I'm really going hard and the creative juices are flowing, I don't want to stop for anyone or anything. I have to force myself to take a shower, brush my teeth and get dressed. Keep in mind I eventually do it. But it's usually not until well after noon. Terrible, I know. I have no idea how married authors do it. My spouse would have to avoid me until late afternoon or evening.

Yep...I'm a filthy beast and I'm proud of it!

Til next time...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dream Big & Be Proud of It!!!

I say we should dream big, or what is the point in even trying. Sometimes I think it's programmed in us to believe we have to fit in with masses. That we can't ask for more from life than what we're getting or what everyone else has. And for women we're expected to settle down, get married, have kids and build our lives around our family. And even if we do focus on our careers, we can't proudly discuss our accomplishments, because we're raised to be humble.

Well I call BS! If we're going to dream, why not dream big? To dream big, is to just believe in ourselves. And what's wrong with that? So that is why I created a vision board that encompasses all my dreams for my life. And as my dreams grow, so will my board.

My board before I put it together. I can't share the finished product, because it's my special something just for me.
Also, why is it so acceptable for a woman to celebrate big life events like getting engaged, married or having children, but not for us to have thriving careers. I've seen time and time again, that when my female Facebook friends have posts about traditional life events they get a crap ton of responses and love. But very often when I post about my writing or books, the response is less than lukewarm. As well as my other female friends that have great careers or doing well in school. Is a female opting out of tradition and choosing to travel down a road of her own making, less important or somehow threatening?

Anyway I was doing a little online research a couple days ago and I accidentally discovered magazine templates and an idea was born. I decided to create a fun little motivational meme for myself that I'm pretty proud of. And I wanted to share it on my social media, but was worried that it would come off too boastful. I asked my friend in a text what she thought and this was her exact response. Keep in mind she was a little tipsy when she sent this, but the sentiment is still there:

I f**king love it.. me and shana say post that s**t.. f**k the haters your social media is for you to post and express if people don't like it they can suck a d**k Do you baby.

So with her rather "passionate" encouragement, I eventually decided to share it because if I can help change the way people think. If I can help even one person/woman to dream big and shout it from the rooftops proudly, then I've done good. So without further ado, here is my meme.

I challenge anyone that reads this blog post to create your own inspirational/motivational meme and post it to your social media. You might just inspire someone, including yourself...

Monday, March 23, 2015

My First Interview!!!

So like the headline reads, I had my first interview this past Saturday. Now I wasn't asked to do an interview, where I graciously accepted. I asked to be interviewed. At this stage in the game, as Indie authors we have to grab the bull by the horns and shout our own names from the rooftops, if no one else will.

So after an author friend passed along the information about the possibility to be interviewed, I reached out to author Ivy Sinclair, who also has a podcast called The Romance Writer's Rodeo. I gave her the links to my FB Author page, website and Amazon page. She looked up my books and bio and setup a list of questions from that. We Skyped for the interview, voice only. So you know what that means? No need to be presentable...Pajama Time!!!

She started out by telling me how the interview would go and the subjects we'd be talking about and when I was ready she pressed record. It was a lot better than I thought, because she made the interview more conversational. Afterward she edited the interview and now it's live for your listening pleasure. Here's the link for interested parties:

So the moral of the story: Find out what is available to you in your genre that can help spread the word about your work and then assert yourself.

I'm still working on this, because I'm not normally the pushy type. I get really bashful about asking people to buy my books. I'm getting better, but still have a long way to go.

Til next time...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Writer Funk + Life Funk = Ugh!

Have you ever hit a wall with your writing AND your life? Well I have. And I'm currently smack dab in the middle of it right now.

I wake up early every morning to write as usual, and it's completely silent because no one has gotten up yet. I get a little spurt of brilliance. And it peters out very quickly when my parents get up and turn on the news.

I haven't really had this problem before. I could plug in my earbuds, turn on Calm Water Radio and hit it hard. But apparently, I need a change of writing scenery. I just hate trying to write somewhere else, because I am a creature of habit. And my particular habits are best kept at home. Example: smoking an E-Cig when I stop to think about how I want to word something and rubbing and smelling my "blankie" that I've had since I was a kid that has always helped me to think better. Don't judge me! It was a lifesaver during finals! Anyway, I guess I'll have to find a way.

Also, trying to find ways to boost sales on my novels that are already out, because they've been lagging for a month or two. And just exhaustion in general from racking my brain on how I can make this career my main source of income.

Then in my personal life, I'm tired of living with my parents, in a state I don't want to live in, when all I want to do is travel. I want to start dating again, but I don't at the same time. I have no time for a man or to get wrapped up in a relationship right now. My career is my #1 priority at this time in my life. But a girl needs some sweet lovin' every now and again. Ha! At the very least for inspiration for my writing.

Also, I've been working my ass off at the gym and trying to eat better, only to lose 0 pounds. Mind you I have thighs of steel and a pretty lovely squat butt, if I do say so myself. But that's it.

I guess I'm just tired of working hard with minimal results in all aspects of my life. And I know I should just get over it and move on. But I do believe that everyone is entitled to have bad days. So I'm recognizing my funk for what it is. Venting my feelings, to just get it off my chest. Thinking about solutions I can do to make it better (setting up a writing area in our backyard, connecting with other authors that have ideas on how to spread the word about our work, considering going on a casual date, just to get out and flirt and going for bike rides or hikes instead of the gym). And finally, hopefully moving on from it.

I always try to look to the positive, even in the middle of my pity parties. Like all things in life, this too shall pass. Funks come and go, but my passion for this amazing life will always remain.

Til next time...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Book Series...More Trouble Than They're Worth?

As I struggle to stay focused while writing the follow-up to another book, the answer to that question is....YES!!!

The very first book I wrote was the first of a two-part series. The second book was a little bit tougher to write than the first, but I was still very much in the zone and was a writing machine. I released the second part two months after the first.

My third novel, Scarred was also part one to what will soon be a 3-part series. But after I finished writing it, I took a bit of a break. And unfortunately when I was ready to start writing again, my brain only wanted to focus on a story I had started before I even thought of the concept for Scarred. I know my readers were wondering what the hell was going on. Why would I write a whole separate story instead of writing the sequel to Scarred?

Well, to answer that, it is because I'm a slave to my brain and my characters. I don't know how it is for other authors, but I know for me, I need to take breaks from stories. And when my brain is ready to create, if it's not for the story I should be doing or what everyone wants me to do, there is nothing I can do about it.

But many readers don't understand this. Truthfully, I used to be one of them. I used to rage at how long it would take an author to write the follow up book to a series. But now that I've become an author, I realize that stories don't magically drop out of the sky, don't grow from trees or can't be pulled out of the author's ass. The author literally has to be in the right frame of mind to create anything worth reading. If it's forced, then it will show.The readers have a choice: A follow up with substance that may take a while to be released? Or a follow up that sucks monkey nuts, but you get it right away?

I'm sure both the reader and the author would like a wonderful book that is released within weeks of the last. But I'd also like a tall, handsome and well-endowed European man to ring my doorbell right now, holding two tickets to Europe to begin a year of traveling. And though both of these scenarios could happen, it's also not very likely.

So even though I'm super stoked and thankful that there are readers that have been truly absorbed in my book and characters, I just don't know if it's worth the headache. If I do ever write another sequel in the future, I'll be sure to write the whole damn thing all at once and then release them within a few weeks or months of each other.

'Til next time...

Saturday, March 7, 2015

A Place To Promote Your Book!!!

Hello there fellow Authors! I was approached by a guy that promotes Authors of Today. He wanted the info on each of the novels I've published and in return, I just needed to promote his Facebook page. Seems pretty fair to me! So for any authors out there looking for just one more way to promote their work, just give him a 'Like' and shoot him a message, and I'm sure he'll put up your novels too.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I Still Can't Believe It's True...

...even after all the evidence to prove it. What am I talking about, you ask? I'm talking about the common phrase that I had heard many different authors proclaim before I had ever put fingers to computer keys to create a novel...

"The story and/or characters write themselves."

I had heard this statement many times. And when you hear it, it's like "Yeah, right. And I'm the queen of Sheba." But once I started writing, I found that it literally is true. Now of course there are times when nothing is coming to you, but you write anyway. Then suddenly, something magical happens and you start typing as if you're a puppet. Your fingers are flying across the keys of their own volition. As if the clouds parted, the heavens started singing "Aaaaaaaaaahhh" and rays of light shone down upon you and your computer.

This phenomena surprises me every time it happens. I sit down in the morning, with my cup of coffee. I've got a pretty good idea of where I want the story/scene/dialogue to go. I start typing it out how I see it and the next thing I know my characters are like, "I don't think so, lady. You're not the boss of us. We've got this." And all of a sudden, I've written pages of story that I hadn't even planned.

Then I have to regroup and make sure it works with what I have planned for the rest of the book. But more often than not, it works better than what I was going to do in the first place. Huh, who'd a thunk?

Moral of the story: I need to stop sweating the small stuff. Whatever archangel that watches over wayward writers, will show up when we really need them. Though, I never like to take things for granted. You never know when he/she may be running late for work or misplaced their halo.

'Til next time...
