Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Hello Everyone!!!

My group Kinklectic needs some serious support. I have setup a Thunderclap and we need at least 100 supporters. All you have to do is copy and paste the link below, click whichever way you'd like to support: Facebook/Twitter/or Tumblr. And then type a message or not and click submit! Literally only takes a few seconds!!! Any help would be appreciated. And message me or comment if you'd like me to support anything you're doing!!!

Link: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/21665-cupid-s-secrets-an-anthology?locale=en

Love, Peace and Hair Grease!


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Moving Upward and Onward!!!

Time to throw in a little blog promo. At the end of 2014, I was approached by author Ruby Madden to join a group of an assorted mix of authors called Kinklectic (Kink+Eclectic). The authors come together to contribute to collections and anthologies throughout the year.

My first contribution to this group of amazing steamy authors is the Valentine's Day Anthology. The book is called Cupid's Secrets and it consists of 13 stories by 13 Erotic and Romance Authors. The book's release will be February 7st on Amazon. Only $0.99 and FREE to borrow through KindleUnlimited (KU).

We are also hosting a book release party scheduled for February 7th 9am-8pm CST on: https://www.facebook.com/events/619771831457052/

Fun will be had by all! Games and prizes to be given out by the authors of the group and outside authors, as well as bloggers. Any authors or bloggers reading this and would like to participate by adding your own giveaways and/or doing a takeover for the party, please feel free to join in the fun at:

We will definitely make sure that we post links to your sites or pages to generate traffic for you!

Soon I will also be posting a link for a Thunderclap. Our group needs 100+ people to participate in the Thunderclap to help generate buzz for the book. So stay tuned for those who are willing to help out in any way.

Anyway, I'm super excited about this opportunity to grow and learn. Blog to ya soon. Until then...Happy Reading or Writing!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Fantasy Life vs. My Real Life

So for a year and about four months, I have been writing like a machine. I put out 4 books within a year (Yeah, I'm a little impatient). Should I have taken more time with each one, perhaps. But I couldn't help myself. Anyway, I digress. So during this time, I have done little to no socializing. During most of the year I worked a 40 hour week at a call center and then wrote every waking moment I had in between. I didn't have time or interest in hanging out with anyone.

But now, I'm only writing for the time being (hopefully permanently). And I've been suffering from a bit of the writer's block. One of the main reasons I feel that I've hit a road block or wall, is because I need to interact with people. I've become restless. I'm a social person and staying cooped up in the house ALL the time isn't for me. At least when I had my other job, I was able to socialize with my co-workers five days a week.

Also, by socializing, I mean dating. But considering what I want out of my life in the near future and the focus I need to get my writing career off the ground...I don't have much time for that nonsense. So I've reached an impasse. How do I focus on my writing, constantly living in a fantasy world I've made up in my mind and have an actual life? Where is the balance?

And maybe I should just stop whining and focus on my career and wait for the other stuff at a later date. But that's when you look up and 10+ years have passed you by and you haven't LIVED that entire time and you suddenly realize your home is rather loudly filled with silence...

Friday, January 16, 2015

Curiosity Can Suck A Big Fat...(Fill in the Blank)

As writers/authors we spend weeks, months or years putting blood sweat and tears into a novel. We stress over it, we pray, we pull out our hair, we laugh and we cry while we're writing it. And then when we're finally finished, there is this sense of relief, pride and pure bliss. We accomplished something. We put our heart and soul into something. And you know what...it's not half bad.

Then we put it out there to the masses and a new phase of stress beings. Will anyone want to read it? Should I have spent a little more time on it? On that one chapter? Will readers like it if they do buy it? Am I really good enough to make this into an honest to goodness profession?

Then you start seeing purchases here and there. And there's that wait in between the purchase date and the first review. And we start thinking... What's taking so long? Did they not like it? Did they like it, but just not one for leaving reviews? What's taking SO long?

And finally, the reviews start coming in. The good ones validate why you started writing to begin with and fill your heart with joy. The bad ones either help you grow, help your writing for the next book or they crush your soul. Okay maybe not quite soul-crushing...if you have super thick freaking skin!

Anyway, I have gotten more good reviews than bad. And the last review I received didn't even affect the overall 5 star rating on the book in question. Which I'm incredibly thankful for.

But the life of an author is waking up to an amazing 5 star rating and ending the day with a 1 star rating. That is the life I have chosen. Honest to God, that is exactly what happened to me today. And just like the common analogy I mentioned in one of my novels: You can be in a room full of 100 people and 99 of them compliments you, while 1 insults you. And the main thing that'll stick out in your head is the one insult.

So we have a couple of choices: Read every review and take the good with the bad. Read only the good reviews and possibly not accept the possible learning experience a not so stellar review can bring. Or don't read any of it, but still ask readers to leave reviews so that other readers that happen along your book, may be enticed to read it.

I've heard of authors that chose option three. My curiosity has lead me to option one. But upon further deliberation, I'm starting to seriously reconsider the last option. No ego boosts or debilitating hits to my pride. Thank you very much! And then I can spare you guys my angry rants on this blog.

Grammar Nazi

Okay I'm not a full on grammar Nazi or anything. I know I make mistakes. I'll probably make a few in this post. But does anyone else (especially those that write for a living) cringe at the atrocious spelling, punctuation and general grammar of the masses, when you're on the different social media outlets?

I mean, I get it. On Twitter, where you can only use 140 characters, it makes sense. But it's not the quick comments that concerns me. It's more or less the fact that I KNOW these people, specifically the younger generations, are writing like this ALL the time.

Abbreviating and using acronyms are fine, but come on people! Use a period every now and again, so that I know the sentence ended. And if you're going to spell it out, as least TRY or find another word. No one should have to reread your comments two or three times to finally understand what you're trying to say! Or give up all together on figuring it out.

I will never forget what one of my favorite creative writing professors said, back when there was only email, Instant Messaging and LOL. He said as writers we should ALWAYS use regular punctuation, grammar and no shorthand. He said that if we did that we could potentially get comfortable doing it and our writing would suffer for it. So, though I may not use completely perfect punctuation or grammar in texts and FB/Twitter/Instagram comments, I still do my best. As it is, I'm so spoiled by Auto Fill-In on my smartphone that when I'm actually writing, I get pissed that my computer doesn't fill in the word I'm typing.

But my real fear is that eventually the younger generation is going to form a whole new language, like freaking Pig Latin. And the rest of us, won't have any idea what they're saying or texting. Oh wait...they already have! Example: Totes (Totally), Adorbs (Adorable), Thot (Hoe), etc.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Slave To My Right Brain!

So apparently the frontal lobe and right hemisphere of our brains are what controls creativity. And currently mine are not working. UGH!!! I need to be writing at this very moment, but I can't wrap my head around the story. I don't know if it's distractions, if I need to calm my mind of all the outside noise or wait for that "Ah-Ha" moment.

Though as authors, we don't always have time to wait for that elusive moment. Those who have publishing houses and editors, definitely don't have time for that. And those of us that don't have them, still have loyal readers that are waiting for our next body of work. Plus, the more books we get out there to the masses, the more we'll be 'seen' and maybe get that coveted book deal and/or larger audience. So none of us have time to deal with the ever dreaded writer's block, creative roadblocks or brain farts.

But what happens if you try to force it? Or, if you come up with any old thing, just to get something down so it doesn't look like you've done nothing all day? You'll probably get a book with no heart or passion. I know when I get that itch..that spark..that burst of creativity, I turn into a writing machine that can't be stopped. I adore those moments...sigh. And when they happen, it's like the light bulb above your head is burning bright and you have to get down as much as humanly possible before the light dims or completely fizzles out.

And right now, my light bulb has burnt out. FRIED...I tell you!!! And I'm trying to find out where I can get a new one. I've tried outlining the story and I'm even stumped on that. I've even started working out, to see if that gets my creative juices flowing. But I'm in such a weird frame of mind right now. I can't even explain it.

And that's another thing we have to contend with as artists. If you have a job that has set duties and tasks that rarely change from day to day, it doesn't matter what mood you're in. Muscle memory and repetition take over and you do your job. But as an artist there aren't necessarily rules or guidelines to your work. And your emotions and how you're feeling have a big part in what we do. And when we have a slump emotionally, so does our work. Or is that just me?

Anyway, that's my take on it. For other writers/authors, what's your views on it? What do you do to pull yourself out of a slump or block? I need some inspiration!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Who Am I Without My Readers?

An author with unread books, that's who!

Earlier tonight a reader and Admin for an author/reader group on Facebook thanked me in a private message. And when I asked her why, she said for making another reader so happy (let's call the reader Jane). She said that Jane was on cloud 9. Jane said that I'm so down to earth and that most authors don't take the time to talk to their readers.

Now I'm not sure how true this is about other authors. But I'll be damned if I'll ignore the very people that I want to keep buying my books! Those that I encourage to write reviews and spread the word about my books. Most books aren't advertised like other products. So a book mainly gains success from 'word of mouth'.

Silent Readers = Death to Books

I know many of the times that I'm chatting with them, I really should be writing, outlining, revising or something. But it doesn't hurt to stop and say "Hi! Thank you." So I'm writing this blog as a reminder to myself and any other author that may read this. 

Twyla, do NOT forget your readers. Your success depends on THEM. They inspire you. Motivate you to keep going. They were YOU once upon a time!  NEVER forget that!!!

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Have a great week and keep on, keeping on. :)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Can You Love Your Own Work?

So I've often wondered when listening to awesome music or watching an amazing movie, "Do musicians rock out to their own songs" or "Do actors settle in for a lazy Sunday afternoon and watch a movie they were in?"

It seems almost arrogant, that they would. But if it's good or entertaining...Why not?

When I've written a story and revised it once; I like to sit back, pull it up in PDF or read only form and then read it a second time as if I'm reading any other book on my tablet. And I'll reread it again, when I receive the proof for the paperback in the mail. It helps me view it with a fresh perspective and a slightly less biased mindset. And while I did this, I realized that I love reading my work! Especially my first novel. I laugh every time. And I think to myself, "That's freakin' hilarious! I really wrote that?! Where do I come up with this stuff?!"

My work may not be the best and yours might not be either. But if you can't sit back and enjoy what you've written...what you've accomplished, then who else will? Love your work. Bask in it! Because I'm 99.9% sure that if you love it, many others will too!!!

So even if they don't admit it, I bet musicians probably do dance around their house listening to their albums or sing along to it in the car when their song comes on the radio. And I bet actors probably secretly watch their movies at home. Hell, if I was Leonardo DiCaprio, I'd watch Inception all the time. Or if I was Rachel McAdams, The Notebook would be playing on a constant loop! Okay, not really a constant loop, but maybe! ;)

I know everyone is a little different, but I'm sure many of us do it. I do and I'm not ashamed to admit it. In fact, let me shout it from the rooftop...I LOVE READING MY OWN NOVELS!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Battle of Point of View: First Person vs.Third Person

So as an author I have the choice of what point of view/voice I want my book/characters to have.

First Person: The book from the point of view/voice of the main character (i.e. I, Me, We, etc).

Second Person: The book is talking to you (best for self-help books not fiction...that would be weird)(i.e. You).

Third Person: The book through a narrator's voice (i.e. She, He, They, etc).

When I sat down to write my first novel Star-Struck, I initially started in first person. And I've heard somewhere that many first time writers might want to use first person, because it's easier to write. But for some reason first person just felt too personal for me, I wanted a challenge and I didn't want to get too comfortable writing that way.

Nearly every single novel I read growing up were in third person. It wasn't until recently with many chick lit and erotic novels that I started seeing first person. At first it was jarring reading in first person, since it almost feels like you, the reader, are telling the story. But once I got into those novels, I did find that I kinda liked it.

Though really thinking about it for myself when writing, I thought that first person seemed self-absorbed. You know; I, I, I and Me, Me, Me, so on and so forth. Also, I felt that no one truly wants to be inside the head of anyone. To know someone's every thought, especially someone that over analyzes everything (myself). But in third person, someone else is telling the story, an outsider.

As well, when reading romances, I like to know what the male character is thinking too. I like to know how he feels about the heroine. In first person, you have to go off of the clues that he gives to the main character and you never really know for sure how he feels. And I think that is why so many authors who write in first person decided to either have a chapter at the end of the book, going back to the beginning of the relationship and showing the guy's perspective. Or they write a whole separate novel, of the exact same story but in the guy's voice. Or I've even seen where the author goes back and forth with each chapter, alternating from the woman's voice to the man's (which is sometimes hard to follow and a bit jarring, because just when you're getting into a rhythm in one character's voice, it then switches to the other).

But in third person, the narrator can follow whoever I want them to. The heroine or the hero. The reader can understand what they're both thinking and why they do what they do. I can even jump to other characters in the story, if they're significant. And if I want the reader to know exactly what's going on in the head of the characters, I just use italics for inner thoughts.

So anywho, that's just my thoughts on Point of View and Voice, especially for romance. Other genres could be different. Just my two cents. For any authors reading this...what's your take on it? What do you prefer?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Sexy Time...

So as an author of Romantica (Erotic Romances), writing sex scenes is a part of life. And you would think that it's glamorous or hot. But alas, it is not. Trying to come up with different words and phrasing for body parts and the act of sex itself, is tiring. Dictionary.com and its Thesaurus has been my best friend during this journey. And often I think, "this love scene sucks" or "this just doesn't seem steamy enough".

So I step away from my book and the scene I've been working on for a little while and come back refreshed. When I reread what I've written and the scene actually gets me worked up and my pulse pounding...I know I've struck gold!

Sometimes all it takes is time away for a fresh perspective. SO TAKE A BREAK! Which is what I'm doing right now, writing this post. :)

I do not own the rights to this image. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Rebuttal...My Blog: A Place Where I Can Defend My Work.

So I've gotten more good reviews than bad. And for that I am truly blessed. Example:

 5.0 out of 5 stars
 A New Fan!! I cannot say enough about this story. I was pulled in from the first page and read both stories in one day. It was that good. Twyla Turner bravo to you. I don't know why it took me so long to find these books, but now I've purchased everything with your name on it.

Madison AKA Sonny is a character that I really relate to.. her sense of humor, her insecurities and her love for life. Finally a heroine that isn't weak, but has vulnerability. And Gabriel! I mean what can you say? Don't we all want a man like that. He's my dream put to paper. Their chemistry jumps off the page.

Overall, I cried, I laughed, I smiled and got a LOT hot under the color reading this story. Don't think, just click the buy button. You won't regret it. 

I love this review! So sweet and had me grinning from ear to ear! Now, I don't want people to read this blog post and feel that they can't leave reviews on my novels if they don't like them. But I wish I could leave remarks as to why I write the way that I do on the sites where they leave these reviews, so that these readers can understand where I'm coming from. So I decided to write my response here. So here is the review I want to respond to (The highlighted parts are what I want to discuss:

Sunny, is short and overweight. She has a beautiful face and smile. She's also smart, intelligent and witty. And she's a breath of fresh air to everyone that gets to know her, but she's insecure about her weight. Gabe is a superstar actor, tall, fine, sweet, well built, protective, great in bed and has enough in his pants to 'feed the needy'. He sees Sunny and falls for her immediately. Within a few days they fall in love. Sigh...and this is part of the reason this book is okay to me. If you've ever been madly in love it takes more than a few days to occur. It's infatuation at first, lust and other things but head over heels in love with someone you've only spent a few hours with is unrealistic. Authors please stop this mess!

Anyway, Sunny is adorable and Gabe is equally so. Soon the press and others get wind of their relationship and Sunny becomes self conscious at every turn about how she could be with Gabe. She questions their staying power even after Gabe tells and shows her he's committed to her time and time again.

***Spoilers Below 👇👇👇***

An accident happens. Sunny can't deal with the constant press and people questioning why Gabe wants her. She ends things and the book ends.

Here's the other reason I say the book was okay for me: Sunny has real insecurity problems. It was annoying. Gabe was constantly at the ready to make love to her, which means he's obviously attracted to her. He helped her career as a writer. He beat up a man that spoke bad about her. He brought her to his job and made others know he wanted her in public. However, she couldn't get over her weight insecurities to accept that this hunk of a mega star millionaire wanted her, so she ended their relationship. At that point I wanted him to move on. I really liked Sunny's character but she needed a back bone to deal with the media. Time and time again she read negative press clippings and links about her and Gabe. That made no sense. You're already insecure, so why torture yourself. And why leave a man you love, who is a beast in bed and who loves you because of what other's think?! He's perfect, accept it and get over yourself and be happy. And...end of rant.

So apparently  this reader is not overweight, because if she was she'd understand that it is not something that you can get over easily. And if you're a curvy girl dating a mega movie star, do you really think that you're going to not have some major insecurities? And it's called CONFLICT!!! Every book needs to have it or it's boring as F***!

Next, I want to address the issue of falling in love so quickly. And by her statement "Authors please stop this mess!", I'm assuming I'm not the only one doing it. Well here's the reason for love so quickly in a novel. I'm not writing some epic story like Outlander (which is amazing), if the author wants to write an 800-1200 page book, then taking our time with the characters falling in love makes sense. But I personally don't have time for all that!!! They have to fall in love quickly to get to the crux of the story.

And finally, has this reader ever been scrutinized by the media? Being made fun of by the whole world? Being filmed or photographed absolutely everywhere she goes? Well neither have I, but I can only imagine the type of damage that can do to one's self-esteem and psyche. Especially for someone that is already battling insecurities. And Sunny didn't read the bad things the media said time and time again. It was only a few times and most were by accident.

Anyway, I just wanted to get it out. Often as authors we have to sit back and quietly let the negative reviews and comments roll off of our backs. And everyone is entitled to an opinion. But it is nice to get it out every now and again. 'And...end of rant.'

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Over the Moon!!!

Today has been so...so...I don't know. Great! It started with chatting with some readers on Facebook. They were talking about my novels and how much they loved them. And if that wasn't already amazing, then one of them invited me to a FB group where readers and authors can communicate. And when I went in and posted an introduction, the outpouring of love was overwhelming, touching and humbling. The group was filled with many readers that I already have connected with and many that I didn't even know about. And one said that she found out about my books from the group. I can't stop smiling or shaking my head in befuddlement.

And then...yes there's more...when I was chatting with a reader, she mentioned a Readers/Authors convention for IRR (InterRacial Romance) in September. And though the featured Authors for the year is full, I still can attend as a participant author, where I can connect with a more readers. And just have fun in general. An all around fantastic opportunity!

What a wonderful, eye-opening and motivational day...and I still have 362 days left in this year! May they be filled with many more days like this!!!! :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

Friendly Advice to Myself and to You...

Time to get honest with you and myself. I have been dealing with many distractions (like this blog) and getting in my own way. So first I'll address the social media distractions. Trying to reach new readers and connect with existing ones, as well as joining the ranks of the author community and communicating with them, has led me to obsessing over posts, comments and likes on all of the social media outlets. Instead of writing, I'm checking into Facebook to see what's going on and what people are saying or thinking about what I should write for this blog.

I realize that this is my own doing. I need to work on time management and focus in this new year. In 2014, I wasn't nearly as active on all the social media outlets as I am now, and I cranked out books like a machine. But without connecting with readers and other authors, all you'll get is a crap load of unread books.

I should probably implement a corporate type schedule. Work, fifteen minute break, work, lunch, work, fifteen minute break and then try to stop during the evening for rest. The operative word is try.

My other problem is that I have gotten some pretty wonderful reviews and praise on my novel Scarred. The characters and their demons are really resonating with the readers. Why would something so amazing be a problem, you ask? Well the kind of love they're receiving is wonderful...and scary as hell! I keep freaking myself out on whether the sequels I have planned will live up to everyone's expectations. But what I keep forgetting is that there is absolutely no one's expectations I need to live up to but my own.

As a writer putting your work out there, you're going to get lovers and haters of your work. The lovers will validate you and warm your soul. The haters will make you strive to get better and to grow. But what you and I need to always remember, is that if you are honestly proud and happy with what you've done, then you've won. And there will always be people that will respect you, even if they don't completely like what you've written, because they know that you stayed true to who you are as a person and an artist.

So when I'm done working on my short story for the anthology I'm involved with, I will go back to my characters Lexi and Sloan. To continue to write their story like I've written all my previous stories...exactly the way I'd want to read them. If you're not interested, excited or completely absorbed in your story or characters, it's doubtful anyone else will either.

So that's my little bit of wisdom that I thought I'd impart to the world. Let's see if I can follow my own advice.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

First Post of 2015!!!

Had a great time last night bringing in the new year!!! I'm super excited for what 2015 will bring. Considering how great it ended and projects in the works...I have a good feeling. God willing. But besides a couple of great reviews on Amazon, the last bit of news I received right before the year ended was that my novel Scarred was named as one of the Top Ten of 2014 on this wonderful blog about IR Romances!!! http://swirlromance.wordpress.com/2014/12/31/my-top-ten-books-of-2014/
Awesome sauce!!!

So proud and blessed! One day I'll be able to read somewhere "Twyla Turner: Bestselling Author of..." Name it and Claim is my motto!

Anyway, I wish everyone a wonderful new year. May all of your wildest dreams come true!

Love, Peace and Hair Grease
